About Us
Charlieville Presbyterian Primary School, which is in the Borough of Chaguanas, Central Trinidad, was established by the Canadian Missionaries, in January 1934, at the present location. Prior to this from 1890 when the Canadian Mission started in the Chaguanas Area, the school was located further south along the Caroni Savannah Road, Chaguanas. At inception, it was known as the Charlieville (CMI) Canadian Mission Indian School, then as time went by, the Charlieville CM School and subsequently the Charlieville Presbyterian Primary School.
As such, the format and tradition of Presbyterian Worship became integral to the Essence of the School and its’ continued Mission, even to present day. Reverence to God and the acknowledgement of the presence of a Divine Being is fundamental to the Character and Ethos of the Charlieville Presbyterian School. Each school day commences with Morning Assembly and Daily Devotions. The Bible is used as the Official Text. The doctrines of the Presbyterian Faith are taught, using A Curriculum Guide, prepared by the Board of Christian Education of the Presbyterian Church. Most worship sessions are conducted by members of the Teaching Staff, who are trained and certified at the St. Andrews Theological College in San Fernando. A qualification which must be attained prior to applying to join the Presbyterian Teaching Fraternity. Special Worship Sessions are also held by the School's Chaplain on a regular basis. These Special Services are held in correlation to observances by the Presbyterian Church in Trinidad and Tobago.
The Worship Session focuses on promoting the School’s Vision of ensuring a Love for God, Humanity and Nature. All aspects of the School’s system, programmes and operations are guided by the Motto: "Striving for Excellence in All Things
MOTTO: "Striving For Excellence in All Things"
Each day at Charlieville Presbyterian School begins with Daily Devotions and Morning Assembly. These sessions are conducted by members of the Teaching Staff and is embedded in the School's Culture. A Curriculum prepared by the Board of Christian Education of the Presbyterian Church is used in conducting these sessions as the teachings of the Presbyterian Faith is promoted. Worship is also held by the School's Chaplain on a regular basis. Special Services are held in correlation to observances by the Presbyterian Church in Trinidad and Tobago. The Worship Session focuses on promoting the School’s Vision of ensuring a Love for God, Humanity and Nature." However, with the influence of cultural changes and social issues, some of which have negatively impacted students’ learning and wellbeing, indicates there is need for stronger focus on the moral and spiritual development of the child at the school level. Within the Vision and Mission of the school, there is now the need to pay strong consideration to this issue and find innovative ways to assist the students and cater more adequately for this aspect of their development.
Charlieville Presbyterian School having been formally established at the present location in 1934, from then to Sept 2010, it comprised a two-storey building with opened facilities separated by blackboards, which housed 14 classrooms, to provide for a capacity of three hundred and fifty students. In 2000, through the School Improvement Programme (SIP) the administrative office on the upper floor was divided to accommodate a computer lab and an area was enclosed on the lower floor, to accommodate the creation of a library area, causing the capacity to reduce to 12 classes and 300 students.
In Sept 2010, the old school was demolished as it was deemed unfit for use. This was due to a broken staircase, damaged flooring and structurally damaged pillars that posed a threat to the foundation of the plant. By January 2011, a new flat prefabricated structure was built and dedicated. It was the first in the Caribbean with facilities of a Smart Classroom and the existence of three Interactive White Boards with WIFI Connectivity in every classroom. Teachers were adequately trained and were competent in using the facilities available. The use of technology enhanced the delivery of the curriculum as well as performance levels of both teachers and students.
However, in March 2014, the administrative wing, which housed the Standard Four and Five Classrooms, the Staff Room, the Computer Lab, Library and Stock Room, was destroyed by Fire, taking with it the three interactive whiteboards, all the resources and data collected over the years of existence. It left standing eight prefabricated classrooms and a kitchen area, which was used as a cafeteria and distribution centre for the breakfast and lunches provided by the School Nutrition Department. However, the loss of the ICT Facilities that existed and the dictates to the resources used for curriculum development, the school and curriculum has suffered greatly from this loss and the need for redevelopment.
By September 2015, a concrete two storey structure was reconstructed on the site to replace the burnt area of the school. The upper floor was built to accommodate four classrooms and as such houses two standard four and two five classrooms, as well as a Computer Lab and Library Area.
The Lower Floor has accommodation for two Standard Three Classrooms, a Sick Bay and An Administrative Area, comprising a Principal office, a Reception Waiting Area, Stock Room, Staff Conference Room, a Kitchenette and Staff Washroom facilities.
The School Plant therefore formulate the Shape of the letter U with the open end facing North and comprises three Main Blocks:
Block A- Western End of the School- Two First Year Classes and a Kitchen Room which houses the Cafeteria and Breakfast and Lunch- School Nutrition Distribution Centre
Block B- Southern Side of the School- Six Classes- Two Second Year, Two Standard One and two Standard Two
Block C- Front Eastern Side of Structure- Upper Floor- Four Six Classes, Computer lab and Library. Lower Floor- two classes, sick bay, reception area, principal’s office, staff conference room, kitchenette and washroom facilities.
The new amenities and facilities have provided a modernized ambience within certain areas, however with the construction of the new two storey structure, the challenge has been coping with the limited ventilation which does not allowing for a smooth flow of air to ensure a level of comfort to facilitate the learning process, especially to the First Year Classes of the Infant Department. The air flow has since been blocked from passing through the compound to the remaining prefabricated classrooms. As a result, a serious discomfort issue exists and needs addressing as this is impacting on health of individuals due to heat and the high level of humidity. The level at times has created severe discomfort to teachers and students and has impacted negatively on the output levels within the classroom environment due to effect on concentration levels of those within. This is an issue that has serious implications to the delivery of quality education, but which is costly, as the solution is seemingly to air-condition all the classes and construct a covered assembly area. The implementation of such a solution needs addressing with urgency by the Presbyterian Primary School’s Board of Education in collaboration with the Ministry of Education. In addition, there is need to minimise the safety issues with respect to the Upper Floor of the Building due to poor construction, the use of unsuitable tiling and the gradient of the floor, as adverse weather conditions result in flooding of classrooms and serious skidding issues from wet tiles.
Play and Sports form an integral part of the Curriculum offering at Charlieville Presbyterian School. A Community Play Park exists at the back of the school and is used by the Infant Department at times, as part of the Physical Education Programme to enhance the physical skills of students.
A Community Recreation Ground is located to the western side of the school and is accessible to the school’s community via a back gate. However, with the advent of the fire, the school has not been able to secure adequate resources for the delivery of the physical education programme. Whilst other schools received equipment from the Government of China, none was received by the school. This has impacted greatly on the teaching of skills for cricket, football, netball, volleyball, tennis as well as those necessary for track and field events. This has impacted on students’ abilities and training to take advantage of participation in zonal and national sporting events.
Within the school’s compound there is limited space for Play and Agricultural Projects. The area to the front of the school is used as a Car Park for Staff and Visitors. There is need for a Covered Assembly Area that can be used as an auditorium for Assembly and Special Classes. There are no Science Labs, Art Room or Music Room also to provide for the development of these skills and opportunities. Whilst there is a Computer Lab with twenty-five computers, it is not accessible to students as it was not handed over to the Ministry of Education by the providers- Digicel. There are also no networking cables and internet services. The library while exists as a spacious area, lacks shelving, books and resources. An attempt has been made to partner with NALIS to assist in the development of the Library and with UNESCO to enhance Literacy Learning using the Jolly Phonics programme. St. Augustine Girls’ High School, a sister Secondary Presbyterian School has also agreed to engage in an Outreach programme to provide books to assist with the development of the Library. The Alumni of the University of New Brunswick, Canada, to which the principal is a member is also engaged in a drive to assist with the provision of suitable books for the Library.
With the implementation of PCR and CAC, some resources were received to assist with the areas of Science, Language Arts, Mathematics, Agricultural Science, Music and Visual Arts. An attempt is made to procure additional resources as requested by staff on an annual basis to enhance the teaching, learning environment.
Leadership at present at the Charlieville Presbyterian School, is provided by the principal - Mrs. Dianne Phillip-Ramjattan, who was appointed to the post on June 16th. 2008, after serving as the Senior Teacher of the school. She has been assigned to the school since Sept 1998 as a teacher to the Standard Four and Five Classes, and served on the Management Team under previous leaders, taking a lead role in the planning and execution of all school activities. As such, on assuming duties to the post of principal, she was very much attuned to the culture of the school and its needs. She is a graduate from the University of New Brunswick, Canada from which she holds a Bachelor’s of Education Degree in Primary Education and a Master’s in Education Degree in Administration and Curriculum Leadership. She also attained Diplomas in Business Management and Administration and Human Resource Management from the Institute of Commercial Management, U.K. and Certificates in School Law and Computer Literacy- UWI, as well as a 4H Leader Management Certificate from the Ministry of Agriculture and a Netball Coaching Certificate from the Lystra Lewis Programme- MOE. She is an ardent tennis and hockey player. She has also been an Elder of the Presbyterian Church of Trinidad and Tobago for more than 25 years. Her service includes holding positions on several boards and courts of the Presbyterian Church, especially as Secretary and Treasurer. Her personality is synonymous to holistic development which is a focus of the school. She however despite being the appointed principal was on a period of Leave from April 2012 – April 2016. During the period of Leave, three other individuals served as the administrator of the school and a steady decline was evident in the Academic Performance Index of the school. Her return focuses on creating new higher levels of performances in all spheres towards the holistic development of the students, to that which previously existed during her tenure.
The staff at Charlieville Presbyterian School comprises fifteen persons, the Principal, a Senior Teacher, twelve female members and one male member. All staff members are fully trained teachers, and possess additional qualifications at the Tertiary Level. A Business Operations Assistant, four OJT Trainees, two Full time and a Part-Time Ancillary Staff assist the principal and teachers to provide for the effective operations of the school. In addition, assistance is also gained with Security provided by the Security Officers from MTS and beautification of the Environment by ladies from the URP Women’s Programme.
At the school, there is in existence several committees that help in the management of the school’s affairs and activities. School Based Management Team, Health and Safety Committee, Crisis Management Team, Termly Events Committee, together with the Leadership of pair teachers to each Club in existence at the school, such as Drama/Poetry, Choir, Maypole, Flag Breaking, Red Cross, Athletics, March Past, Football and Cricket. Staff members are given the opportunity to lead and use initiative in organising and implementing activities for the benefit of the school and students. Shared decision making, and inclusive partnering of staff have revealed a strong sense of motivation to work to the development of the institution and a greater sense of belonging and loyalty, as such the majority of teachers arrive to school early and leave the school late, using time to plan and cater for each day adequately.
Apart from the Principal, there are fourteen other members of staff inclusive of an appointed Senior Teacher, who possesses a Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology. Of the other thirteen, one senior teacher completed a Bachelor of Education Degree in Primary Education from the University of New Brunswick, Canada and six staff members hold Bachelor of Education Degrees from UTT- The University of Trinidad and Tobago, in varied areas- from early Childhood, Information Technology and Physical Education, four of whom have not been upgraded. The other six staff members whilst possessing between 15 - 34 years of service as confirmed trained teachers, have not pursued any further courses for professional development. It is therefore noted that the teachers’ development in terms of professional development and training to improve the teaching skills of teachers needs to be given significant consideration by the SBM Team.
Staff meetings are held on a Monthly Basis to gain feedback on issues affecting students, teachers, curriculum delivery, as well as to plan for other activities and projects to provide for students’ experiences. Teaching and Non-Teaching staff attend these meetings, as all are working to the same mission.
At the start of each academic year, committees – equitable in numbers for each term are established to plan, coordinate and execute the programs and activities for that respective term. There is always a Head of Committee selected from among the members. In the majority of instances, teachers select and volunteer to serve on the committees.
Some major committees are:
Termly Committee - All Activities
Health and Safety Committee - Crisis Management
SSS Team- Discipline
SECURITY: 24 Hours Security Service is provided by MTS.
Each member of staff, especially teaching staff performs various roles and assumes responsibilities for the management of various activities that must be completed to provide effective and efficient service to the students, daily.
Some of these are the distribution of breakfasts and lunches to students, as well as the monitoring and supervision of the consumption of the meals. They also serve as House Mistresses and as a mentor to selected student in need of additional academic assistance. The teachers also coordinate the activities of each club within the school.
It is from the service rendered to the students to provide for holistic development, moral and ethical training and the necessary life skills for personality development that the commitment and service to the Field of Education and the Philosophy of making a difference in the life of a student by teachers are evident, to a larger extent.
The School is owned by the Presbyterian Church of Trinidad and Tobago, which appoints a Primary Schools' Board of Education with the responsibility to manage and account for the Property and Building as it relates to its use and maintenance.
The Board of Education also has the responsibility to provide for adequate staffing with respect to that of teaching and ancillary staff. A school’s manager is appointed by the Board of Education to assist the Principal in ensuring that Schools' Property, furniture and fittings are protected and adequately maintained. The manager is also authorized to monitor attendances at the school. The Board of Education also appoints an Auditor to ensure that there is financial accountability and checks and balances are in place with respect to funding received from the Board and the Ministry of Education.
The members of staff are all Presbyterians and adhere to the principles of governance and doctrines of the Presbyterian Church and its mandates and maintains strong ties and allegiance to the Church and Board with respect to its Method of Operations and their service in turn. The principal, in her capacity as Leader has also been serving as an Elder of the Presbyterian Church for more than twenty-five years and her active engagement in the Work of the Church provides for an even stronger link between School, Church and Board. As a result, the involvement of the Church and Presbyterian Board of Education are reflective throughout the operations of the School and are stronger embedded within the School’s Ethos.
Parents are vital stakeholders in the education process, and any school is as strong as the support it derives from its parent body. The challenge with this Body however, seemingly at Charlieville, in almost all classes, whilst parents have expressed the desire to get involved, it is noted that social family issues are impacting greatly on the students and their relationships with other students and with some parents and their relationship and respect with each other. Over the years the PTA bodies comprised of respectful individuals who worked towards the Mission and goals of the school in partnership with staff, and ensured strong supportive units were evident. In recent years, lack of parental support to students, in caring, health and hygiene, homework supervision and the education system, is noted. Parents are adversely encouraging students against teachers and students. At Charlieville, the last PTA when reminded of protocols that was breeched, delinked itself from the Staff and General Parent Body and seemingly felt the body had more authority and power than the Principal and Staff. Procedures and Policies of school operations were not adhered to and as such many became disenchanted, as the body seemed bent on bringing the school and parents into disrepute.
The majority of parents however from the general body has shown great support to school’s activities and to their child’s wellbeing at the school, a few neglectful disenchanted ones do exist who provide limited contribution to the educational opportunities and display negative attitudes to the adherence of school’s policies. They have in turn modelled an attitude of disrespectful to the institution and ultimate student indiscipline due to non-compliance to school’s rules exist. The demand therefore is for Parental Training Programmes to provide and enhance Parenting Skills and Empowerment to the Importance of Education as a Right to Children.
In all educational institutions there is need for a PTA Body to be a strong support group to the school. It is hoped that within the academic year, an AGM will be held, and a PTA body would be elected who would be able to work in harmony with each other and with the School Based Management Team to ensure that there is empowerment of parents to strengthen relationships and partnering efforts to ensure there is support for the teachers, students and school to facilitate a greater sense of success by the students. With the assistance of a PTA, it is hoped that there would be stronger unity of purpose to the Vision and Mission of the School and attempts will be made to enhance the physical structure as well as the image of the school within the community, nation and international community, as well as to create a culture of mutual respect, a greater sense of responsibility as parents and teachers, working in the interest of providing quality service and care which would penetrate to the benefit of the students.
The Charlieville Community is predominantly of the Muslim faith. The school being of the Presbyterian Denomination has been recipient of the goodness of the Muslim Community over the years. This is because the Presbyterian School was the first established school in the community and as such the majority of the families who have business in the community, attended the school and have been loyal and thankful for the education received from the institution. Strong ties and links have been established and a good relationship exist to the benefit of the school and students.
ALESCON Readymix Limited and Abass Ali Hardware- Owners of organisations who are past Students- continue as organisations to serve as major benefactors to most of the activities at the school to provide for holistic development.
The CDPA- Charlieville Development Partnership Association in collaboration with Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago assisted in hosting a Seminar on Dr. Eric Williams for the students in order to build a greater sense of citizenship and to promote values of Discipline, Production and Tolerance- Our National Watchwords.
The Lions’ Club of Chaguanas and The Lions’ Club of Central Trinidad as well as and the Rotary Club continue to render assistance in relation to ascertaining programmes to provide for a greater sense of opportunities to make life more comfortable for members of the community as well as families of the school. These Clubs especially assisted with Our Walk-A-Thons, Medical Fairs and Clinics for students and parents.
To facilitate the development of the School’s Library and opportunities for providing books in various categories, an offer from the Alumni of the University of New Brunswick Canada was received in relation to aiding have a functional Library Service at the School for the students. Some assistance was also received from NALIS to have the Library operational at the earliest. St. Augustine Girls’ High School has also indicated its willingness to assist with the Library project in the supply of books.
The Greater Chamber of Commerce of Chaguanas has also assisted and established strong linkages with the school, and its programs.
The Mayor of Chaguanas and the Chaguanas Borough Corporation continually render assistance with respect to the school’s activities, sponsorship and support.
Efforts are continually made by the School Community to involve all stakeholders and ensure their participation in events of the school such as Graduation, Sports’ Day, Fund Raising and Charity Outreach and Faith Based Services.
The Curriculum is the vehicle through which the Children Value Outcomes to developing the Ideal Child are achieved. The implementation of the Curriculum at the school is monitored through Class Checks and Clinical Supervision. The PCR Curriculum for the last few years have been implemented in the Infant to present Standard Four, classes. It is noted that five teachers of the School were not trained for the delivery of this Curriculum. Also evident is the fact that with the implementation of the CAC, there was greater emphasis on Planning and Preparation by teachers. With respect to the Creative Arts, Creative Writing and Agricultural Science, the curriculum provided for a more balanced student.
The PCR has its benefit of fully integrating so that the student becomes more receptive to thinking of the bigger picture. Themes lend to the establishment of linkages so that there is greater understanding and clarification of misconceptions by students. The lack of internet access at the school, however impacts seriously on lesson preparation and delivery at times.
Whilst the school caters for varying needs of the students and learning styles, the challenge as a new institution is that of limited resources for curriculum delivery. The teachers however have shown great innovative thinking and as there are two classes in each level, have been working as teams to assist each other. The sense of collegiality that is evident when faced with challenges for curriculum delivery speaks highly of the dedication and love for the students and institution.
The school in its bid to promote the holistic development of our students, continues to use the establishment of clubs to achieve this goal. Each student is encouraged to participate and must be registered in a minimum of one co curricula or extra curricula programs. Co-curricular and extra-curricular activities are managed by the staff at school who are each in charge of a club. In September 2016 there were seventeen clubs. However, as teachers lent of their time and talents- it was noted that many were involved in more than one club as such to give greater support to the clubs and ensure that performance levels were of a high quality the clubs were reduced by April 2017 to seven. Parental support to the students’ performance and involvement were limited and as such teachers were the driving forces, with respect to the Clubs.
In keeping with the goal of the national primary school curriculum to have learners progress from one level to the next level in a seamless, continuous, coherent manner through productive and meaningful experiences, thus ensuring that Learning is progressive and developmental, at Charlieville Presbyterian School the process of social promotion of students has been replaced by the institutionalizing of a System of Mastery Learning whereby students are motivated to earn their promotion to the next level. Students are not streamed in classes based on ability, nor are they awarded Places at examinations.
Our internal RATING SYSTEM is as follows:
A+ 95 - 100 - Excellent
A 85 - 94 - Outstanding
B 75 - 84 - Very Good
C 65 - 74 - Good
D 50 - 64 - Satisfactory
R 00 - 49 - Remediation Needed
Whilst there has been great pride in the performance of our SEA Results over the years, we have noted that there is need for tangible improvement especially with respect to the Language Arts Component of the Examination. As we strive for excellence in all areas, we note the impact of certain factors, such as the earlier challenges of the school plant and the new curriculum with the transition of the CAC Component within the last few years, as well as the limited facilities and lack of adequate resources, intertwined with the lack of drive and energies engineered amongst individuals, did not provide for the promotion of quality teaching and learning, as was desired.
Presently the students are more settled within the new environment and as such a greater sense of belongingness and some intrinsic motivation to perform well has been noted. In 2015, it was evident that the performance percentile had increased in relation to the previous year with respect to the number of students who have been placed at five and seven years Secondary Schools at the Secondary Entrance Assessment. A higher percentage was noted in 2016 to that of 2015. Seemingly performance levels continue to be on the rise. Analysis of Performances indicate historically that no student was ever placed at any Life Centre. As such, no student was at risk academically. Therefore, all students by the SEA Results of the school should be able to apply themselves at the Secondary Level confidently and make ample use of the opportunities provided at that Level.
In relation to our National Tests Results there is room for improvement. Results indicate that in 2015, the API dropped to the point where it was the worst that it had been in a decade. In 2016 it improved to the standing it was in 2013. An assessment of our results noted that a large number of our students at the National Test for Standard I and III in the Areas of Mathematics and Language Arts has been performing at Grade 2. Our goal is to have all students performing at Grade 3 and 4.
An assessment of students’ results with respect to those who performed at Grade 2, indicated that the performances were as a direct result of very irregular student attendance at school, discipline problems, dysfunctional families and very limited parental involvement and supervision.
The areas of Mathematics and Language Arts for both Standards I & III indicated lack of Mastery Learning by students. Some students’ developmental levels and prior learning as well poor concepts developmental seemed to be factors that need to be considered and catered for, to ensure future learning is not impaired. Professional Development is advocated to enhance teaching skills and learning activities in these areas.
An Enhanced Literacy program throughout the school to promote Reading and the development of reasoning and critical thinking skills, is urgently needed. There is as well the need for adequate professional development exercises for teachers to improve their skills in constructivist teaching methods to enhance the delivery of the curriculum with respect to Literacy and the ELA Component of the Curriculum and allow students to take charge of their learning. Reflective Practise must be promoted and catered for adequately to assist with teacher development to enhance the teaching/learning process.
There is also need for more timely interventions through Clinical Supervision and greater Monitoring of the teaching/ learning activities. Opportunities must be used to engage in stronger use of students' assessments and to analyse their performance results to plan for future enhanced teaching and learning at the school, more adequately.
As the focus was on enhancing opportunities to promote greater students’ successes, due to a falling API and in consideration of the lack of Sporting Equipment, our school was not able to participate as desired at the Zonal and District Levels in any of the Co & Extra Activities. It is hoped that during this academic year, sporting equipment will be sourced to develop the skills and talents of the students sufficiently, to ensure that the schools’ legacy of the glory days return to those, when Charlieville Presbyterian was District Champions in Male and Female Cricket and Football and the result of which was the setting the foundation for students to represent the country at District, Zonal, National and International Levels of Competition. In addition to which, the prestige of being the Caroni Champions in PRESTA Sports Marching at the District and National Level continuously for several years. It is planned that with the re-establishment and the operationalization of the Clubs within the school that teams would become evident and participate in training sessions. The Red Cross Arm of the School, however, on a monthly basis, engages in outreach programs in an attempt to providing relief and assistance to families and students of the school. The focus has been in assisting with Medical, Nutrition, Shelter and Clothing Drives. A Benevolent Fund is in existence through contributions by students to help families in times of Crisis and Need.
The 4 H Club also contributed to the Beautification project and enhancement of the Schools’ Compound. There is, however, a need to extend the opportunities to many more students to be able to give voluntary service as the Cred Cross and the others to find their niche and enhance their learnings and involvement through worthwhile engagement in 4H Activities, as the Community of Charlieville is basically that of Agriculture.
Our school participates annually in a number of Competitions hosted and sponsored by the Caroni Education District, Corporate Bodies, Other Government Ministries, the Presbyterian Primary Schools' Board of Education and Presbyterian Teachers’ Association (PRESTA), as well as Lions' Clubs and the Chaguanas Borough Corporation.
During the academic year 2016- 2017, students participated in the Story Telling, Art and Essay writing competitions of the Presbyfest Committee of the Presbyterian Primary Schools’ Board of Education. One student placed fourth in the Art, Under 9 Category and was the only student from the Caroni district to have secured a place in that Area. Students also took part in the National Mental Marathon Competition, and the Calypso Competition of the Chaguanas Borough Corporation where one of our students secured second place.
An in-house Calypso Competition, a Parade of Bands, and an Easter Bonnet Extravaganza and Competitions were held. The Junior Department – 4 H Club also participated in the various categories of the 4 H Gardening Competition. In School Competitions were also held monthly, based on learnings in all areas of the Curriculum on a House System Basis.
Music is taught to all students and encouraged throughout the school. Music Theory and Learning to play the recorder were the foundation elements focused on for this year. It is hoped that soon there will be a recital on the recorder by students of each class. A school's choir was established to perform at our school’s functions. The choir participated in the National Music Festival Competition and at Social Charity for Needy Students during the Advent Season as service to the community. Daily, all students however participate in singing activities, involving praise and worship each morning as well as in the singing of the National Anthem and National Songs to promote pride in Nationhood. Varied Styles and Genres of Music are advocated and used in Teaching Music Appreciation through listening, discussion and composition as teaching tools to promote greater sense of appreciation of diversity. These have formed part of the School Culture as they are integrated with Drama and Dance Activities. The need for a Multi-Purpose Hall, Auditorium or Covered Area to provide for these activities cannot be underscored and as such attention must be provided in finding and commencing operations to provide for such facilities to move the opportunities in existence to move to greater heights.